
2019 begins with a initially mild and sunny autumn, allowing us to carry out the first soil work. From October 26th to 30th however, the arrival of big storm named Vaia poured 718 mm of water on the ground in three days. The wind on Mount Cesen reached 192 km/h, on the Rolle pass 217 km/h. 42,500 hectares of forest are felled, Venice is flooded by 152 cm, the Piave river also overflows in Segusino. Since then, rain and snow are no longer seen for almost the entire winter, the land is dry, the mountain is yellow, burnt orange by the sun. The spring is also dry until April 26th when a disturbance arrives, and there is a strong hailstorm in the eastern part of Valdobbiadene. Fortunately, Ca’ dei Zago Mariarosa and Bastia are intact. Then, dry weather returns throughout the summer. Strange climate, with significant thermal and water fluctuations throughout the year. We reduce macerations to 1-2 days; the wine gains verticality, aromaticity, the fruity character is supported by a pleasant Mediterranean spice, intriguing. Not an easy vintage, but a wine of great personality.


Alcohol (%vol):
Residual sugar (g/l):
Total acidity (g/l):
Volatile (g/l):
Sulphurous (mg/l):
Total dry extract (g/l):